Glute Bridge

What is a Glute Bridge?

The Glute Bridge is a lower-body exercise that tones your glutes, hamstrings and core. It is an easy exercise to do at home because it does not require any equipment — you simply lift and lower your hips to strengthen the targeted muscles.

How do you do a Glute Bridge?

  • Passo 1

    Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet grounded on the mat. Place your arms beside you, hands flat on the floor.

  • Passo 2

    Keeping your shoulders, arms and feet grounded, lift your hips until you create a straight line with your torso and thighs. Engage your glutes to maximize the strengthening exercise. Lower your hips to the mat, then repeat.

How do you modify a Glute Bridge?

  • Glute Bridge for Prenatal

  • Glute Bridge for Beginners

  • Glute Bridge for Weak Lower Back

  • Advanced Glute Bridge

What are the benefits of a Glute Bridge?

  • Glute Strength

  • Core Strength

  • Leg Strength

Opinião de especialista

I like the glute bridge because you can do it easily with little space and no equipment.

Everyone wants to have a nice butt, and this definitely helps with that. For a helpful hint, keep your core engaged and make sure to squeeze your glutes for maximum benefit as you do the glute bridge.

Coss Marte,ConBody in New York City

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