Southern Yoga and Health Centre
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Southern Yoga and Health Centre and were last updated on 10/29/24.
Ventilation system
We only use the split system air conditioners if it's too cold or too hot. Windows in the yoga room are opened when weather permits, and we often open the yoga room doors as well and the back studio windows, this allows a very good flow of air throughout the studio.
Limited capacity
Maximum class size will be around 14 as that is all the yoga room can hold. If you are coming for the first time, please arrive 15 minutes early for registration.
Equipment policies
Students are requested to bring their own mats, cushions, towell, water bottle etc. as much as possible. If you use one of their mats, you will be required to wipe it down after class.
Limited amenity access
We have lockers and we supply keys free of charge.
Gentle Strength
Christine HomerYin Yoga
Ellen LaarhovenSouthern Yoga and Health Centre Reviews
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- 1
How to prepare