Yoga Moves Hot - Jan van Scorelstraat
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Yoga Moves Hot and were last updated on 10/29/24.
Ventilation system
We use state of the art ventilators and ionisers so the air in our studios is as clean as it can get.
Limited capacity
Maximum class size depends on size of the room and varies between 14-30 per class.
Equipment policies
You can use our mats and props (clean after use). In hot yoga classes you need to bring your own mat or a big (mat) towel (that covers the whole Yoga Moves mat). For Aerial classes make sure to wear long shirts with sleeves for hygienic reasons. You will need to sign their liability waiver.

Yoga Moves HOT | Studio Walk Through
Tue, Feb 11
45 min
Wake-up Flow | Warm
Viola de Wildt75 min
Hot Hatha | 38C
Karissa Tartaglia75 min
Yin | Warm
Marjolein Van der Velden75 min
Hatha & Nidra | Warm
Marjolein Van der Velden75 min
Hot Vinyasa | 33C
Naomi Jansen60 min
Meditation & Mindful Movement
Joyce Curnan75 min
Hot Hatha | 38C
Naomi JansenYoga Moves Hot Reviews
4.75,000+ ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare