Yoga Moves - St. Janshovenstraat
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Yoga Moves and were last updated on 10/29/24.
Ventilation system
We use state of the art ventilators and ionisers so the air in our studios is as clean as it can get!
Limited capacity
Maximum class size is at 80% of capacity.
Equipment policies
You can use our mats and props (clean after use). In hot yoga classes you need to bring your own mat or a big (mat) towel (that covers the whole Yoga Moves mat). For Aerial classes make sure to wear long shirts with sleeves for hygienic reasons. You will need to sign their liability waiver.

Yoga Moves ONE | Studio Walk Through
Tue, Feb 11
60 min
Pilates | Fusion
Tanya Shiels60 min
Vinyasa | Flow
Loïs Luca75 min
Slow Flow
Hilary Brown75 min
Ashtanga | Led Class
Debby Jagers75 min
Viola de WildtYoga Moves Reviews
4.75,000+ ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare